- Around Eight lakh volunteers, 2500 plus samithis to take part in the second Nation-wide Cleanliness drive with more than 1000 activities across 20 states of India
From 2nd October – 20th October 2017
-18 day initiative across the country is being undertaken in order to promote cleanliness across the country.

This year SSSSO INDIA also emphasized on ‘ VRIKSH LAGAO – JEEVAN DILAO” campaign as well. Speaking on this initiative Sri Nimish Pandya ,All India President said, participation in tree planting is an association with the eco system – Plant a tree, Will a legacy. He also thanked the Sate Government’s and Forest Departments for coming forward to support this initiative by helping us source plants enabling the SSSSO INDIA Seva Volunteers viz., Mahila, Sevadal, Bal Vikas children and Youth of the Organisation to plant the same across various states of India.
More than Eight Lakh (8, 00,000) Seva Volunteers as mentioned above across the country will be participating in this noble nation building initiative. The cleanliness drive will be divided in 3 parts: towns, villages and metros. This year 2500 plus Sathya Sai Seva Samithis are set to take part in the first of its kind Nation-wide Cleanliness programme with more than 1000 activities across 20 states of India. Firstly, the village cleanliness programme will be inaugurated post which the Seva Volunteers start cleaning the pre-decided places. The Bal Vikas Gurus along with Bal Vikas children will be organizing various competitions like Drawing, Essay and Poetry for children. The selfless seva Youth wing of the Organisation will also be showing short films on cleanliness followed by awareness talk on topics like “Importance of washing hands”, “Importance of personal hygiene in overall child development” etc,.
In the villages there will be an inauguration ceremony post which the Seva Volunteers will visit villages that include Sri Sathya Sai Village Integrated Program adopted villages of the Organisation, Sathya Sai Bhajan Mandali in villages, Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Jyothi Program adopted 900 schools and villages and also those villages from where number of Seva volunteers go for Prasanthi Nilayam Seva on an annual basis . The following activities will be undertaken by the devoted Seva volunteers i.e. cleaning the school, river banks etc and will also be creating awareness on various topics like hazards of open defecation, use of polythene, failure or absence of drainage system, importance of personal hygiene, source of safe drinking water and source of clean energy viz bio-gas and solar study lights etc.
In cities, the dedicated Seva volunteers will also be going door to door in order to create awareness regarding garbage collection and supporting solid waste management system of Municipal Corporation in slums. Speaking on this occasion, Sri Nimish Pandya, All India President, Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations of India said, “This is a second year of this cleanliness campaign undertaken by the Sathya Sai Seva Organization inspired by the quote used by our Swami “Cleanliness is next to Godliness”. We are very happy to be able to serve our nation by creating awareness amongst them regarding cleanliness.”
About Sri Sathya Sai Organisations:
Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation, India and Sathya Sai International Organisation operate on the divine guidelines of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. The SSSSO India is involved in the service of the society in 20 states of India with more than 10 Lakh volunteers working selflessly for individual as well as societal development; the SSIO serves the individual and society in over 120 countries across five continents. The core focus of the Sathya Sai Organisations is Sociocare, MediCare and Educare, viz, free drinking water supply to millions; free Medicare facilities with state of the art technology which can match or surpass the best in the world and value based education from kindergarten to post graduate studies. All activities of the Sathya Sai Organisations is absolutely free of cost. The binding force of all activities is pure Love which is based on the dictum and powerful mantra of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba: Love All~ Serve All.
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