University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences (UIPS), Panjab University, Chandigarh contributed in the Rashtriya Aavishkar Abhiyan (RAA) jointly in association with Government Model School, Sector 8-B, Chandigarh on 15th February, 2021.

            Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan is a novel concept developed and launched on 9th July, 2015 by Late Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Former President of India and it is still running successfully in the country by Ministry of  Education. The aim is to inculcate a spirit of inquisitiveness, creativity, excitement and love for Science and Mathematics in school children through inside and outside classroom activities, observation and experimentation. It is a joint framework across School Education and Higher Education to motivate children in learning Science, Mathematics and Technology.

            Keeping in view the present pandemic times, the RAA was organised in the Government Model School, Sector 8-B, Chandigarh itself where Dr Anurag Kuhad, Dr Neelima Dhingra, Dr Sangeeta Pilkhwal Sah and Dr Ranjana Bhandari Assistant Professors from UIPS interacted with science and humanity students of Class 11th-12th. The highlights of the interaction were virtual tour to the Panjab University and the institute (UIPS) through videos. Dr Anurag Kuhad shared information regarding rich academic and research heritage of Panjab University, its distinguished alumni, and entrance examination specifically PU-CET-UG, PUTHAT, PU-BA/B.Com LLB (5 year) integrated course for various Bachelor's program running in the University and their future scopes. The virtual tour of the institute showcased that Panjab University is one of the oldest universities in India which was established in 1882 as University of Panjab at Lahore and the University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences is one of its stalwart institute known for excellence in pharmaceutical education and research across the country. Further the detailed coverage of the courses offered at UIPS, their scopes; infrastructure and state of art facility of the UIPS made students curious and they were inclined to know more about the Pharmacy Profession.

            Dr Neelima Dhingra initiated her interaction with the word "Pharmacy" and made students acquainted with the word by sharing that how pharmacy profession imparts a positive impact on public health service by discovering new drugs, ensuring the safe and effective use of medications.

            Further the emphasis on the role of India as "Pharmacy of the World" in the current unprecedented times by Dr Sangeeta Pilkhwal Sah motivated the students to take this profession as a career.

            Dr Ranjana Bhandari advocated that how adoption of entrepreneurship principles is very important in the field of pharmacy. It's only the entrepreneurs who have made India world's largest generic drugs exporter to the world. India has become a pharma manufacturing hub because of the efforts of entrepreneurs in the pharma market.

            The outreach acivity by UIPS under this Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan evoked a huge response among students. The speakers were flooded with number of questions about Honours School, courses available, entrance test requirements, eligibility, fee structure, job prospects and future career options. Dr Anurag Kuhad explored students to “Joy of Science” and inspire them to join sciences as future career path.

            This outreach activity was organised after the directions of State Project Director-Cum Director School Education Samagra Siksha, Chandigarh by Mrs Sunita Singh (Principal), Mr Paramjeet Singh (Lecture Physics) and Mr Rajesh Kumar (JBT) from Government Model Senior Secondary School, Sector 8-B, Chandigarh.

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