Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh has condoled the death of four children and two others in a freak accident caused by a speeding jeep crashing into their home in a village in Jandiala town on Wednesday.
The Chief Minister expressed shock and grief at the loss of lives, and directed the district police and administrative officials to get a thorough investigation done into the incident.
Expressing concern over the growing frequency of road accidents caused by over-speeding vehicles, Captain Amarinder asked the transport department and traffic police officials to ensure that the new draft transport policy, currently in process of formulation, provides concrete measures to check over-speeding.
The Chief Minister said the reign of terror unleashed on the roads by over-speeding vehicles needed to be checked to prevent the loss of innocent lives in such accidents. At a review meeting of the transport department on April 5, the Chief Minister had ordered the new draft transport policy to be put in place within two weeks.
The meeting also discussed issues relating to road safety, road infrastructure and enforcement of traffic rules and regulations.
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