Chandigarh , May 01, 2017: Baba Hardev Singh Ji Maharaj, former Head of the Sant Nirankari Mission has been honoured with Award – ‘2017 Supreme Spiritual Icon of the Year’ on behalf of the US based organization ‘We Care  for Humanity’.

Sh. Mohinder Singh JI Sanyojak Chandigarh Branch said that the Award was announced Delhi today by Her Excellency Maria Torres, Princess of the Royal Kingdom of Sulu who is the Founder President of the Organization and Chairperson of its ‘Global Officials of Dignity Awards Committee’, in the presence of Her Holiness Nirankari Satguru Mata Savinder Hardev Ji Maharaj at a special congregation being attended by thousands of Nirankari devotees.

Her Excellency, the Princess invited Satguru Mata Savinder Hardev Ji Maharaj to receive the Award on behalf of Baba Ji at the 4th Annual WCH Humanitarian Summit to be held at the United Nation in New York in August this year and address the global audience to share with them Baba Ji’s accomplishments and distinct caliber of talent he will always be remembered for.

‘We Care for Humanity’ advocates human rights, world peace, green environment, education, health, eradication of poverty and empowerment. Through Annual Global Officials of Dignity Awards, it honours the ‘greatest humanitarians of the world’ who have improved the world through their loud boisterous voice and immense compassion.

Her Excellency Princess Maria Torres said that Baba Ji has been honoured in recognition of his compassion and love for humanity which will always remain embedded in everyone’s heart, particularly the Nirankaris worldwide. She said that by giving this honour and recognition to Baba Ji, we ourselves feel honoured. She said that to eradicate violence and poverty, oneness of mankind with God is the only solution as Baba Ji preached.

Thanking the organization in general and Her Excellency, Princess Maria Torres, Satguru Mata Savinder Hardev Ji Maharaj said that the Supreme Spiritual Icon Award announced by Princes Maria shows that Baba Ji’s message of love, oneness and harmony has reached across the world. Now, we have to take his legacy to those areas also where it is yet to reach.

Earlier, the Executive President of the Sant Nirankari Charitable Foundation Holy Sister Bindiya Chhabra Ji welcomed Princess Maria with a Shawl.

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