Recently in SAS Nagar village booth ghar near New Chandigarh on siswa road some mischievous elements attacked the place after seeing no action been taken against the culprits. Today members of masihi brotherhood met SAS Nagar SSP , SDM and other officers and expressed their grievances with proofs . Masihi community representatives were assured by SDM and other officers that the matter will be investigated by a team and appropriate action will be taken against the wrongdoers so that the law and order is maintained and if their is an old dispute between the parties then it should be resolved by them on their own amiabily . They told the SSP that on 18th April 2021 at around 8 to 9 pm their was a prayer meeting going on in the church and the concluding prayers were about to start . The land near the church where the cutting of the wheat was going on and the combine was being used for the same near the church some people were sitting because of the combine dust was coming on these people and the owner of the wheat farm was playing loud party music and later they along with 60-70 bad elements attacked Church , few mash got injured and FIRs were registered against both parties
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