Chandigarh.16th January,2021: The Chandigarh Administration has decided that all the Sampark Centers will accept the payments on behalf of Chandigarh Housing Board. He stated that since there are about 44 Sampark Centers (more are expected to start), the allottees will get the payment facility more nearer to their residences/work places.
2. Sh.ManojParida,IAS, Adviser to Administrator and Chairman, CHB took a meeting of the officers from Chandigarh Housing Board, Department of IT, Finance Department and National Informatics Centre (NIC) on 16.02.2021 to finalize the arrangements. All the Sampark Centers will start accepting the CHB payments from tomorrow i.e. 17.02.2021 through following mode:
• Cash payment - uptoRs. 5,000/- only
• Net Banking/Debit Card/ Credit Card- without any limit
• Cheque/Demand Draft/Pay Order- Without any limit
3. Sh. Manoj Parida asked the officers to further simplify the digital payment processes to minimize the cash transactions. The Chandigarh Housing Board may set-up a facilitation counter to educate the visiting allottees/persons about processes of online payments which is very simple and most reliable method of making payments. To encourage the online payments, a computerized draw is being held every month by the Chandigarh Housing Board to give prize of Rs. 1000/- each to 10 online payment transactions.
4. NIC and SPIC have finalized a computerized module for this facility. Sampark Centers will issue computerized receipts while accepting the payments on behalf of the Chandigarh Housing Board. Payments through cash/ Net Banking/Debit Card/ Credit Card will instantly reflect in the allotment record at CHB. However, payment through Cheque/Demand Draft/Pay Order will be reflected in the allotment record of CHB after its realization, which may take about two/three days.
5. The payment facility at Sampark Centers will be in addition to the presently available following options.
a) Online payment at the website of the Chandigarh Housing Board The option for ‘QUICK ONLINE PAYMENT’ has been provided and online payment can be made without any registration or going through the process of User id and Password. The allottee/applicant need to mention the Category, Sector and Unit number only while rest of the detail like name of the allottee, registration number and name of the scheme will get filled up automatically.
b) Offline payments at the counter of the HDFC bank through Application Programming Interface (API) based challan generation. Allottee may generate a challan by visiting website of the CHB and then make the payment in any of the branch of HDFC within the Chandigarh City. For generation of such challan, the basic data of the allottee will be automatically fetched from the database. Each of the challan will get a unique code and on payment at the HDFC Bank counter, the amount will get instantly reflected in the record maintained at the Chandigarh Housing Board.
6. A huge number of allottees of Small Flats and Affordable Rental Scheme have defaulted in payment of dues. Penalty interest @ 12% per annum is being levied in case of delayed payment. All the allottees of Small Flats and Affordable Rental Housing Scheme (ARHC) are advised to clear their dues by 28th February 2021.
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