Mumbai : This week a new story unfolds in Vijaynagar. Rama and Gundappa goes to the market for a delicious breakfast. In the market, Gundappa sees two men quarrelling and interrupts to solve the matter, they dupe Gundappa into inhaling their handkerchief and then kidnap both Rama and Gundappa.
Rama wakes up to see himself at an unknown location. He meets his kidnapper Sambuva, a pirate and also the son of a famous pirate. Sambuva has kidnapped Rama along with his whole family in order to make Rama use his intelligence and find the treasure that Sambuva’s father has left hidden for him somewhere.
However, Rama plans to escape that very night. But he is caught and Sambuva orders his people to throw everyone off the boat. Rama, to save everyone’s life agrees to help him.
Rama is given three riddles to solve, each more difficult than the other. He solves the first riddle which takes them to an old mirror which belonged to Sambuva’s father. Rama solves the second riddle which directs them to an island called Gomadak. On the island, Rama learns about Sanki Dimdina, who is an amazing player of Chauras and if anyone plays ‘shankha’ on that island signifies that the person is challenging Dimdima for a competition. On the painting, Rama finds the 3rd riddle which directs them to a temple nearby. Will this game of riddles ever end? Will Rama find the treasure for Sambuva?
Commenting on the track, Krishna Bharadwaj who plays Tenali Rama said, “This story is a test of Rama’s intelligence. Each riddle is very difficult to solve and Rama will have to use all his knowledge to get further. But knowing Rama, no task is impossible. ”
We just have to wait and watch if Rama is able to save himself and his family from Sambuva and return to Vijaynagar.
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