Chandigarh 17th Feb. 2017 : The Valedictory Function of ‘Sanrkashan Kshamta Mahotsav - 2017’ was held at The Institution of Engineers (India), Madhya Marg, Chandigarh where Dr. Roshan Sunkaria, IAS, Principal Secretary, Food, Civil supplies & Consumer affairs, Govt. of Punjab was the Chief Guest.
Shri Sandeep Jain, General Manager-IOC & State Level Coordinator, Oil Industry, Punjab, welcomed all the guests and participants. In his welcome address, he stressed the need of conserving petroleum products in order to save not only money but most importantly environment. He also expressed his concern for economic burden on the country arising due to import of petroleum products. He apprised the gathering that Oil Industry conducted more than 9000 activities during ‘Sanrkashan Kshamta Mahotsav - 2017’ (Saksham 2017) in various sectors in Punjab to make people aware on this national concern. He appealed to schoolchildren to save energy for future.
The Chief Guest Dr. Roshan Sunkaria, IAS, Principal Secretary, Food, Civil supplies & Consumer affairs, Govt. of Punjab raised serious concern about the vulnerability of our economy to high and volatile prices of petroleum products, therefore, all out efforts should be made to undertake conservation activities. He praised the efforts made by Oil Industry to bring awareness among the masses on conservation and how to conserve the fuel. He urged people to be sensitive on this issue and take measures to save every form of energy. The chief Guest presented the awards to winners of painting competition conducted during fortnight.
During the function School Children presented cultural show in the function on the theme of “INDHAN SANRAKSHAN KEE ZIMMEDAARI, JAN GAN KEE BAGHEEDAARI”\
To create awareness among the General Public about the need for judicious use & Conservation of Petroleum Products and help protect Environment. Oil Industry under the aegis of Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas (MOP&NG) and Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA) organizes every year Oil & Gas Conservation Fortnight (OGCF) during the second fortnight of January. This year the same has been named as “SAKSHAM 2017” (Sanrakshan Kshamta Mahotsav 2017) and is being observed by Oil Industry across the country from 16th January to 15th February, 2017. Mass Awareness campaigns are being organized by PSU Oil Companies in Punjab during the fortnight. 

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